


This campaign rewards users who run worker nodes providing inferences for the US presidential election party winner once a day. Every inference should be the likelihood of the republican party winning the election. source run-inference-political

1. Components

Setup Worker

  1. Clone this repository
    git clone
    cd allora-usa-election
  2. Provided and config environment file modify model-tunning

    Copy and read the example .env.example for your variables

     nano .env.example .env

    Here are the currently accepted configuration

    • TOKEN= (D or R)
    • MODEL= the name as model (defaults SVR or modify your own model)
    • Save ctrl X + Y and Enter

    Modify model-tunning or check /models folder

  3. Edit your config & initialize worker

    Edit for key wallet - name wallet - RPC endpoint & interval etc

     nano config.json

    Run the following commands root directory to initialize the worker

     chmod +x init.config
  4. Start the Services

    Run the following command to start the worker node, inference, and updater nodes:

     docker compose up --build -d

    Check running

     docker compose logs -f --tail=100

    To confirm that the worker successfully sends the inferences to the chain, look for the following logs:

     {"level":"debug","msg":"Send Worker Data to chain","txHash":<tx-hash>,"time":<timestamp>,"message":"Success"}


2. Testing Inference Only

Send requests to the inference model. For example, request probability of Democrat(D) or Republic(R)


Expected response of numbering: ` “value”:”xx.xxxx”`